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Saturday 3 March 2012

what it actually is...

I just realized that my past blogs is all about getting married! haha~

Well, mainly because that what most "normal" people do when the are about my age or younger or older. Well, whatever that suits them.

Some says getting married is just another step after graduating and getting a job. Some does it for the sake of parents. Some says to complete each other. Some says it's easier to be married- I can't seem to control myself any longer! LOL

But there are some who wants to be married to escape from his/her life. To be able to make his/her own decisions. To have his/her opinion at home. To do whatever they wish to do, to go wherever they want. Why? because, believe it or not..  Some Muslim parents can be a bit controlling towards their child doesn't matter what age the child is or the gender. Harsh truth, but that's the reality. Where is the mistake? Well,  here they are: Parents, heads up please-

1) Children needs love, lots and lots and lots of love, and a great amount of attention. Doesn't matter how old or young they are.

2) Communication: Trust me, there's a major problem in here. Most parents feel the only way to convince their child is to "force" them. You can, when they were young. But, in the future, they will start pretending in front of you.In return, they let you hear, things that you want to hear and tell you things that you only want them to do..

3) Trust: Trust is a very difficult thing. But, if you have raised you child with a good foundation of Islam, insyaAllah she/he will be alright. Now, what does it mean by a good foundation of Islam? Always start with yourself. If you are not patient, then you are lack of iman too. Be patient, tackle things gently.

4) Anger: Control your anger. Why do you think your child doesn't want to talk to you? Coz you keep barking at him/ her!

5) Time changes and so should you. Remember what Muhammad told us. Raise your child according to the time. (zaman). Why do you thing it's different now compared to your time? Of course it's different! Because everything changes.

6) Control: Seriously, I have seen a child, who is so scared to even take a gift from her own teacher! Because she thinks her mummy might scold her.Seriously? If your child is scared of you about everything.. You must be a monster! Remember that I am a teacher and I used to teach very young children from the age of 4 and above. And the worst part is, once the child is grown.. She/He prefers to talk to everyone, except you.

7) Being fair: Here is the most difficult part. Be fair to all. They deserve the best from you.

All of these things I've said is based on my readings, and my close attention to some child that I've approached. A lot of them feel that it is nicer to talk to their teacher or friends. So, if you are having a child, already have a child or planning to have one or more, try not to do all these if you want to raise a good person. well,  it's just an opinion!